Wednesday 9 September 2009


We started looking for a band and eventually got in touch with "Thom Southern and the Band" through Charlotte. They linked us to their 'Myspace' and we were impressed by their music, a few songs inparticular stood out.

Thom Southern's music is a mixture of acoustic, alternative, anti-folk. He formed a duo with his sister, Lucy a year ago and has recently formed a band to play with him consisting of Tony Mchugh (Lead guitar + Vocals), Luke Bowen (bass) and Jonny Lee (drums + percussion). In the Autumn of 2008 Thom won the Belfast Busker of the year in the Belfast Busk til Dusk Competition in the city centre. In February 2009 Thom and his sister played in the Nashville songwriters festival held in Belfast where he supported Raul Malo, Benitta Hill and Anthony Toner (in the round) in black box. Through the festival he won the "katherine brick award" for "young songwriter of the year". He was awarded a new "Avalon Gold series".
Thom recently set up a home studio and is recording demo material for now. Thom and the band are going into a recording studio soon to record their first EP "World don't shine".

We still have to come to a decision about what song to use because there is a few we would like to get involved in...we were thinking of their 'In disguise' track? Anyway, but below is a link to their 'Myspace' :)

Once we choose the song or track we think we could work best with, we will pitch various ideas to the band and work along with them!
Thats basically everything for now, we'll keep you updated :)

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