Monday 21 September 2009

Bob Dylan- Subterranean Homesick Blues

When we were discussing ideas for the music video, we felt this would be a very classic, inspirational video to reference.
The idea of the cue cards really applied to us, as it (if done correctly), can look extremely effective, We also realised,
after talking to a number of people about it, that Thom Southern's voice is actually quite shockingly similar to Bob Dylan's,
which I think we can agree, is a huge compliment towards Thom Southern, who I'm sure would be only too happy with the
comparison. After seeing the Bob Dylan video, we though it would be a great video to credit throughout our video, perhaps
every chorus, or every time they say In Disguise. We definitely think it's a rather artistic technique, and it is an idea we will
definitely come back to.

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