Thursday 17 September 2009

A few ideas that are bouncing around the line.

We have not yet begun to plan our video yet, but we have discussed ideas and techniques that we may be interested in utilising. We have confirmed that we will be using "In Disguise" by Thom Southern and the Band.
One of the techniques that we would very much like to use would be green screen, something that we have been toying about with on Final Cut. It was difficult to get to grips with the program and the technique at first, but with more practice I feel we will be able to use it quite successfully in our music video if we do choose to use it. We feel that this could be very useful in a music video that has pretty much no budget.
We have also been using the time and speed options on Final Cut, teaching ourselves how to reverse time and slow it, which has been immense fun and could produce some very interesting effects in the video.
We would also like to see if we can use the band themselves in the video. That is only a possible idea that could very easily be discarded.

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