Friday 25 September 2009

Soggy Bottom Boys

A video we found relevant for World Don't Shine.

World Don't Shine

Alex’s Plan for video.

Position a camera in certain areas of the school at different points of the school over the course of the day. Speed up the footage we have so that people blur out. Filter the video for effects. Play around with colour etc.

Charlotte’s idea for video.

Filmed outside, down by St Annes. Have someone walking, with a focus on nature in the video. Or, go to the music department and try to do the thing with the four different screens, with instruments. This would be good for our actual video.

Lauren’s idea for video.

Guy playing guitar, zoom in on fingers playing guitar, Split into atleast four boxes and then start to ‘jumble’ boxes and flash colours. Show drums playing in one box, guitar,

Expand to more than four boxes in actual project.

Final idea for video.

Have introduction with four screens gradually coming in, as each instrument plays. Have four boxes.


Gradually boxes in from solo guitarist, a split into the guitarist and a close up of the guitar (20 secs), split into 3 with the guitarist, guitar close up, and a drum kit (30 secs), split into four with previous 3 and a singer.(50 secs)

(1 minute for the intro piece of video)

Taking different angles of the singer in a small room singing. Switching to low and high shots and circling the singer. (15 seconds long)

At 1 min 25 take POV shots walking under the trees looking up to the canopy. Be slightly unsteady, but not overly.

At 1.50 green screen the guitarist in front of somewhere, i duno.

At 2.00 take a profile shot of the singer singing into a mic, probably take a few extra shots.

From 2.10 take a close up of the guitar being played during the solo.

From 2.20 have the singer walking down a tree lined path. Use mid and long shots and some tracking shots.

From 2.40 film birds flying above.

From 2.55 use cue cards in the style of the bob dylan video. “World Dont Shine” etc.

Around the end at 3.20 use effect to make the video shine as the last cue card falls. End about 3.24

Monday 21 September 2009

Bob Dylan- Subterranean Homesick Blues

When we were discussing ideas for the music video, we felt this would be a very classic, inspirational video to reference.
The idea of the cue cards really applied to us, as it (if done correctly), can look extremely effective, We also realised,
after talking to a number of people about it, that Thom Southern's voice is actually quite shockingly similar to Bob Dylan's,
which I think we can agree, is a huge compliment towards Thom Southern, who I'm sure would be only too happy with the
comparison. After seeing the Bob Dylan video, we though it would be a great video to credit throughout our video, perhaps
every chorus, or every time they say In Disguise. We definitely think it's a rather artistic technique, and it is an idea we will
definitely come back to.

Thursday 17 September 2009

A few ideas that are bouncing around the line.

We have not yet begun to plan our video yet, but we have discussed ideas and techniques that we may be interested in utilising. We have confirmed that we will be using "In Disguise" by Thom Southern and the Band.
One of the techniques that we would very much like to use would be green screen, something that we have been toying about with on Final Cut. It was difficult to get to grips with the program and the technique at first, but with more practice I feel we will be able to use it quite successfully in our music video if we do choose to use it. We feel that this could be very useful in a music video that has pretty much no budget.
We have also been using the time and speed options on Final Cut, teaching ourselves how to reverse time and slow it, which has been immense fun and could produce some very interesting effects in the video.
We would also like to see if we can use the band themselves in the video. That is only a possible idea that could very easily be discarded.

Wednesday 9 September 2009


We started looking for a band and eventually got in touch with "Thom Southern and the Band" through Charlotte. They linked us to their 'Myspace' and we were impressed by their music, a few songs inparticular stood out.

Thom Southern's music is a mixture of acoustic, alternative, anti-folk. He formed a duo with his sister, Lucy a year ago and has recently formed a band to play with him consisting of Tony Mchugh (Lead guitar + Vocals), Luke Bowen (bass) and Jonny Lee (drums + percussion). In the Autumn of 2008 Thom won the Belfast Busker of the year in the Belfast Busk til Dusk Competition in the city centre. In February 2009 Thom and his sister played in the Nashville songwriters festival held in Belfast where he supported Raul Malo, Benitta Hill and Anthony Toner (in the round) in black box. Through the festival he won the "katherine brick award" for "young songwriter of the year". He was awarded a new "Avalon Gold series".
Thom recently set up a home studio and is recording demo material for now. Thom and the band are going into a recording studio soon to record their first EP "World don't shine".

We still have to come to a decision about what song to use because there is a few we would like to get involved in...we were thinking of their 'In disguise' track? Anyway, but below is a link to their 'Myspace' :)

Once we choose the song or track we think we could work best with, we will pitch various ideas to the band and work along with them!
Thats basically everything for now, we'll keep you updated :)

Monday 7 September 2009

Hey everyone....

This is Alex, Charlotte and Lauren's media studies blog for A2.

We're only just getting things together so there are no posts as yet, but we hope to get things up and running as soon as :)!

*Thanks for checking out the blog*