Wednesday 16 December 2009


In our group we each drew up a brief storyboard to give us various ideas to work with. ( PS - I may be pointing out the obvious, but click on the images to enlarge them.)

The first storyboard shown below is Alex's idea...

I have already posted a fairly comprehensive preliminary shooting script, which has since been further expanded by the group at large, so further elaboration is probably not needed. I'm just going to explain how I came up with the idea for this post. It was rather randomly thought up. The suggestions we already had were very 'samey' to me and I began imagining what I could actually do in the video. The image of a ghost-figure came into my head, and I thought that this would be a brilliant experiment, and was rather different from the proposed ideas we already had. Thanks to this originality in comparison to the other ideas, this seems to be why Thom and his band chose this idea.

Charlotte's idea is shown below...

My idea
When I was coming up with an idea, I tried to bear in mind the lyrics to "In Disguise". I thought the video could begin in a park. During the instrumental introduction, we would see various shots of the park, trees, the sun. The atmosphere would be very warm. We are first time we are introduced to the main male character is when we see him sitting on a bench. He is wearing a mask, as is everyone around him. (This was to symbolise that they here hiding behind their disguises) ( He stands and we see him begin to walk down the main path of the park (We can assume he is making his way towards the exit of the park.) While walking, we see him stop and we do a match on action of him looking at the reason he has stopped (the girl) and the girl. The girl is not wearing a mask, and therefore stands out. We see her sitting her reading a book. We cut back to him looking in awe at her and her beauty. We see her collect her things, and get up to leave. He tries to chase her, but remains a good bit away from her. She leaves the park, and he is unable to catch up with her. We see him sit down on the bench, and put his head between his knees, disappointed at her leaving. He looks up at her again, and then runs in the direction she ran in, determined that he will find her. We cut to him standing on the pavement looking round. He see's a cafe, and looks in it. We switch to a shot from inside the cafe, looking out, where we see the girl passing him in the back of a taxi. His back is to her. Events like this continue to happen, and they both just miss each other. In the end of the video, we see her run up to her, after finally having caught up with her. He bravely removes his mask, revealing the real him to her. He taps her on the shoulder, and she turns round. The girl is now wearing a mask. We see his face fill with disappointment. Fade to black.

I thought this was a good idea, because it represents the song well. It sticks to the theme of being "In Disguise", and interprets the disguise as a means of hiding ones real self- their deepest emotions. I think this video would be memorable, but simple, and would be quite artistic looking. For the most part, the video is happy, fitting in with the song, until the sudden end. I hope this idea is chosen, because I believe it would be the most effective, artistic and memorable video.

Another final idea was suggest by Lauren, it is shown and briefly explained below...
After listening to this song and talking to Thom about his inspiration for the lyrics, I think I began to grasp the meaning. I tried to convey this in my storyboard by my initial idea, which was to center the video around a relationship between a boy and girl.
The band features alot in my storyboard also as I only think its fair for them to be a main part. I was thinking of them in a sort of 'garage scene' or basement maybe. With low lighting, concrete floor with a 'stage setup' of instruments and maybe a seat for the lead singer to sit on. Also posters all over the walls of inspiration of music the band are into, aswell as an old vintage, stand-up microphone for the lead singer as he sits down.

The beginning of the song will open with the guy following the girl through the park, I have toyed with the idea of the guy wearing a mask over his eyes, or maybe just the band in masks? It has still be be decided! I was thinking it would be quiet cloudy and dull and she sits on the bench and he keeps his distance. As the lyrics kick in at 13 seconds, we cut to the garage scene just before this and the lead singer come towards the microphone, low lighting and spotlight on him. This lasts for about 10 seconds and then the band join in on cue.
As the song begins to get more up-beat we then watch them leave the garage and we cut to the park again. The guy is standing staring at the girl as she sits on a bench, maybe reading a book or writing in a diary...she is very mysterious. The band appear from the background and the music continues, the lead singer slowly moving forward towards camera from a distance.
The girl the gets up and begins to walk away from the park. The next scene cuts to a street where we see shops and a pub. Time has passed and the guy is now drunk and waving about a pint outside the pub as the girl walks past - he pesters her. As she briskly walks off and the song gets more up-beat instrumentally again, he slides down the wall outside the pub - and sinks into a frustrated depression. The guy cannot get through to the girl. At this point the video could be filled with some different clips or even still shots in relation to the story, maybe explaining the situation to the audience.
The next and final scene moves on down the street, the guy has started to follow the girl and runs, the girl slowly turns round, she is drawn towards the guy and cannot run anymore. They come to a gradual halt and stare at stare other. The band in the background, the guy and girl slowly walk towards each other...we get a close-up of the guy as he removes his mask he has worn all along and it dawns on the audience that the characters have a connection. They look at each other and everything that caused problems before seem to be omitted...lastly the video finishes on the band in the 'garage scene,' the video blackens out. Credits roll.

Of course the types of shots being used etc need to be thought out in more detail if this is to be the chosen idea - but for now...hope you like it :)

Thank for reading,


We emailed these 3 storyboards to Thom with our brief descriptions. He seemed to be drawn towards Alex's storyboard as the one to work with!

Thom got back to us some feed-back and his thoughts on the video through email...
I loved all the work your group have put into this so far guys, and after looking over the ideas and storyboards I think i'll go with Alex's ghost suggestion. I like the original idea behind it and I want people to watch the video and actually remember the bands song. I think we could play about with some really good effects in this to make something stick out for the audience!

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