Monday 14 December 2009

Ghost Idea Shots

Ghost Idea-Shots

POV shot.
Long shot - circles around her as she looks about her, then then flips and does a 360 of her environment.
Close-up of her face, confused as she doesn’t know where she is.
Over the shoulder (OTS)- walks down a deserted street. Switch to POV as a person appears in the distance. Extreme long shot of her running to catch the person up.
Mid shot- different mid shot cuts of her trying to get the persons attention. Interspersed with close ups of her and his. Possibly shot reverse shot.
Mid shot of her antics beginning to subside and she begins to tear up. The stranger continues walking. Switch the focus from her to him.
OTS over him looking back to the girl. Slide focus from him to her. She looks confused and hurt. When the character has become fairly small she begins to walk away. Closer, oscillate between mid and long shots, tracking her as she tries to find out where she is.
OTS of her looking at a signpost. She looks at the sign, but it has become completely blurred. Swing the camera round to a high shot. This scares her, close up of her face as she rubs her eyes. Then POV looking at the still-blurred sign. She runs off, follow in a mid shot, just running after her, it doesn’t matter if the shot jumps about.
Mid shot/high angle of her running into a crowd of people outside a building. Film her trying to get peoples attention with close ups shot from both low and high angles.
Long shot as she stumbles out of the crowd. Allow to become a mid shot as she gets closer, then turn to a high angle mid shot as she slides down beside a wall. Switch to a close up of her face. Zoom out when she begins to stand up. Long shot as she begins to walk on. Possibly film her shadow for a while.
Long shot of her walking down a street. Turn the shot greyer in the edit as time goes by.
Shot reverse shots of her looking into peoples faces and being ignored.
Mid shot, zoom to long from behind her as she reaches a road. OTS as she hears a car coming then POV as she sees it turn the corner. Close up of her face.
Low angle mid shot as she walks onto the road in front of the car. Close up of the windshield of the car.
Long shot as the car reaches her and passes through her.
Flashbacks of earlier shots from different angles. Her getting out of her body. Running through the crowd.
Long shot as she fades away, zoom to a close up on her face as it disappears. Change to grey, then black.

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