Friday 11 December 2009

Market Research and Audience

In order to determine what type of audience we are aiming for with our music video, it is important that we look at the main audience for bands similar to SKETCH. The first of these is Radiohead. The majority of Radiohead music videos are extremely artistic. Whenever their music is combined with their music video, it is very difficult not to get drawn in. An example of this is "Creep", where the video is really quite simple, with the only visual effects appearing to be coloured lights, we are still very focused on the video. Their videos are very imaginative, and we would like this aspect in our video, which is why we picked quite a challenging idea, for which we will have to experiment a lot with effects. We would also kind of like the 'creepy' effect that some Radiohead music videos have, for example "Just", which I have embedded below. Unfortunately, this seems to be the only copy that doesn't have embedding disabled, and it is fairly low quality.

The second of these examples, and the most relevant to our music video is Beck, who have been a strong influence to the band. One of their videos (Beck-Loser) is particularly relevant, and I have included this video below. It has a lot of the kind of effects that we would like to experiment with in our video, and it still remains quite a simple video. We can see an example of this 35 seconds in, when it looks very ghostlike, and even when it is slowed down and a bit juttery. This seems like an effect which would suit the style of our video very much. The whole video has a sort of eerie feel to it, and for our video to be ghostlike, there will need to be an element of that feel. Another example is in and around 2.17, where we can see the area around him being blurred out.

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