Wednesday 4 November 2009

Influences in our ideas

At the minute we have three music videos/scenes from films that have been an inspiration to us.
I have included clips of each of these influences.

Savage Garden-Truly Madly Deeply
The idea behind this bit is that we would open with a
similar style shot. It would open to our lead singer walking
down a road, perhaps autumny, and we would take a few
shots from different angles.

30 Seconds to Mars- From Yesterday
The element of this video that is relevant is the idea of masks.
The title of our song is "In Disguise", and so we thought it
would be an idea to perhaps have everyone apart from our
lead characters in the video in masks, and perhaps have the
lead singer, and the woman with who he is to have an infatuation
with, without them. Either this, or have her not wearing one,
and he is, until they properly meet, and he takes him off and
takes off his "diguise". We are playing about with both of these
ideas. Another possibility is to dress everyone else but the main
characters in black, so that our attention is always focused on the
main characters, and she stand out very strongly to him, and in a

The Butterfly Effect- Happy Ending
At the minute we are visualising some sort of an ending.
We thought that maybe this one could be a possibility, or
the one underneath this. The one above is more of a happy
love story ending, and the one below is more focused on
insecurity. The one below fits in with the song well, as the
person singing is talking about how they are "in disguise".
This could be interpreted as meaning they are insecure, and
their disguise is a way of hiding themselves. With the ending
below, he tries to find her and catch up with her, but when he
finally does, his insecure makes him so nervous about rejection
that in the end, he decides not to talk to her.

The Butterfly Effect- Open Ending

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