Wednesday 11 November 2009

Ideas to be pitched to Thom Southern

First Idea.
Begin following a male lead looking across a street at the female lead sitting on a bench, reading. Male lead is wearing a mask. Cut away to a band playing the song. Everyone is wearing a mask, and dressed plainly, trying to keep them looking as though they could fade into the background. Have the band playing in....a garage would work well. After they have played for a while, they leave their instruments and walk out of the shot.
Next shot returns to the lead, the band now walks up behind him, and follows him as he walks across the road. As he reaches the other side, the girl gets up and walks away. He sits down, the band standing about him.
Return to the band playing, male lead, now the singer, with them. Fade out after a while, to the male lead by himself outside a pub or shop. The girl walks by him now, but he makes an obvious show of looking away when she walks by. She doesn’t take any notice, and as she disappears he slides down the wall/window of the shop etc and sits on the ground dejectedly.
Cut to shot of the band and singer walking down a street, houses all about. Male lead lip-syncing to the song as they walk.
Final shots will be the male lead walking down a crowded, moderately busy, street. Girl is in the distance. She stops and turns. He keeps walking alone then stops in front of her.
Cut back to the band playing. They pull off their masks as they finish playing.
Cut back to the girl and guy staring at each other. He reaches to take off his mask. He stops, turns and walks away. Zoom out on the girl standing by herself on the street. Final shot the band together with their masks off, guy with his mask on.

Second Idea.
Uses Savage Garden-Truly Madly Deeply as inspiration. Start with him walking down a leafy, autumny road, probably in a park. On “figure of imagination” he sees her sitting on a bench, maaybe reading a book. When it says I want you to know, he starts quickly toward her, trying to reach her. Before he manages to reach her, she gets up and leaves (EH, EH). Has him trying to catch her before she leaves, but being too late. He follows her and a one points tries to push through crowds to get to her (Like end scene in the butterfly effect?) Any time it says “i want you to know, i need you to show” he gets really close to her, but then loses her again. At one point he reachs her, they turn round and look at eachother for a second, maybe he gets knocked into, so looks away, and when he looks back to her, shes not there.

Ending could be like either of the butterfly effect endings, one being that they look at eachother, and share a “moment”, but he’s too insecure to say something- that’s why he’s in disguise.

Or could be like the “happy ending” in the butterfly effect, where they start talking, and walk off happily together into the sunset.
Possibly have the idea of masks. (kind of half stolen from alex, but he has the band playing with them instead.) Everyone had masks on apart from the girl and perhaps the boy. We could either have everyone else with the masks on (in disguise) apart from the girl, and at the end he takes off his disguise. Or we could have both the girl and the boy both in disguise.

Third Idea.
Opens from black looking up at the sky, POV character lying down. Stay in POV as the character is getting up. Then new angle, character looking around about him/her. On a street, hopefully a grey drab day. Make him/her unnoticeably transparent. S/He looks very confused, and sees someone walking towards him/her. They run up to the other person and try to talk to them (of course we just see they’re mouth moving, no sound). The character is ignored, begins to become infuriated, can be seen to start shouting. The other person continues walking on and the character stops following. They begin to walk off randomly, trying to find where they are. Stops at a sign post, but all the letters and directions are blurred out. Looking very confused, scared, the character runs away and comes across a crowd of people outside a building. Starts running around, shouting, trying to get everyones attention. Throughout all this the character gets very very very very slowly more transparent. After being ignored yet again they stumble off, crying. They walk around streets, people keep walking past, ignoring them, no one sees them at all.
End the video with the character becoming so utterly distressed they run out into the road in front of a car. Film the car coming up then move out to film the car driving through the character. The character beings to fade rapidly, the film fades to black and white, use the old film look effect too.

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