Friday 30 April 2010

Audience Feedback

Below are some scans of questionnaires filled out during a screening of our video.

The audience feedback was very useful to us. All in all it seems that our video was very well received. A number of people commented on the fluidity of the video with respect to the tone and lyrics of the music, which was very encouraging feedback as, in my opinion, a successful music video needs to run smoothly. If the music jars with the video, it is not something that will be readily consumed by the public, in which case it will fail to create interest in the product for sale. There was also positive feedback on the emptiness the character embodies in the video, which was precisely our intent. That people picked up on this is brilliant and only inspires confidence in the success of our video. We did receive criticism from some people for our use of special effects. These people felt that the effects needed to be more noticeable, but we thought this was actually contradictory to the point of a special effect, which we feel should be unnoticeable to an audience if it is to be successful.
A number of our audience members felt that the beginning of our music video was confusing and they were unable to immediately grasp the story-line. Happily, these people and the other audience members said that they were able to understand the plot of the video after a little while and from then on they found it an interesting and engaging story.
It is also worth noting that the majority of people, when asked which scene they preferred and which they disliked, mainly said that the opening scene was one of their favourite scenes, due to the fluid camera work and the use of the iPod. Even more interesting was that no one actually had a scene that they actively disliked.
We finished grilling the audience with a final, "Did our video come across as professional?" People responded positively to this, saying that they did think it was to a high quality and very well made.
We were very, very happy with our audience feedback.

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