Monday 1 February 2010

Shooting Script

Shot opens to a long shot of Girl standing on a street corner. We see her look around.

Close up
of her face. She looks confused

Switches to an
OTS shot of her walking down a deserted street.

Switches to a
POV. We see a person appear in the distance, walking down the street.

Switches to
Extreme long shot of her running to catch up with Paul.

Mid shot of her trying to get Pauls attention.
“Hi, umm could you..”

Switches to
Long shot as she stops as she sees Paul walk by her, ignoring her

“Hello? Excuse me?”

Paul continues to walk by her.

Camera pans, following Paul - Almost as if the camera is also ignoring her.

She waves her arms frantically.

Paul is oblivious to this.

She starts to anger, shouting. “HELLO?! ARE YOU DEAF?!”

Extreme long shot of her angrily shouting. However, her face doesn’t match her dialogue.

Close up of her face as we see she still looks worried.

Paul possibly looks behind him with an
OTS shot, but looks straight through Girl.

We see her begin to tear up, thinking that Paul has chosen to completely ignore her.

Shot/Reverse shot of long shot of Paul walking away, and a close up of teary eyed Girl, until Paul is fully out of the shot.

Still looking hurt and confused,
mid/long shots of her trying to find out where she is.

OTS Shot of her in front of the sign post, it is in focus.

Match on action of her looking at the sign post, and her eyes squinting. (Use focus pull with MoA)

Switches to
POV shot. The sign post has become completely blurred, and impossible to read.

Switches to
high shot, almost from POV of the signpost.

We see her squint, and rub her eyes.

Mid shot of her panicking and running away. Possibly jumpy shot.

Mid shot of her running into a crowd of people, following behind her, tracking her movements.

Varies between
high angles and low angles as she tried to grab peoples attention.

Mid shot of group of people smiling and laughing, with each other, ignoring Girl.

Extreme long shot
of her shouting at them. We see the panic in her eyes.

Switches to a
long shot as she stumbles out of the crowd. This develops into a mid shot, as she stumbles towards the camera.

Long shot as she walks over to a wall, and falls defeatedly against it, looking upset.

Close up of her face buried in her hands.

Zoom out as she begins to stand up. Her legs are in front of the camera.
Pan as she walks by the camera, looking at her legs as they go out of the picture.

Possibly film her shadow.

Switch to
long shot of her walking down the street. (Edited so the shot fades to black and white, the further away she gets.)

Switch to
Shot/Reverse shots of her going close to peoples faces and getting ignored.

Switch to
Mid shot, zoom to long from behind her as she reaches a road.

Switch to
OTS as she hears a car coming then. She looks in it’s direction.

Switch to
POV as she sees it turn the corner.

Switch to
Close up of her face.

Switch to
Low angle mid shot as she walks onto the road in front of the car.

Close up of the windshield of the car. The car doesn’t turn away from here, or swerve.

Long shot as the car reaches her and passes through her.

White flash, signifying flashback.

Close up of her lying on the ground with her eyes closed.

Switches to
long shot, where we see her stand up, coming out of her own body.

White flash signifying flashback.

Repeat earlier POV of her looking at the blurry signpost.

White flash signifying flashback.

Long shot of her running throw the crowd, passing through people.

Flashes back to the current time.

Long shot as we see her fade away.

Zoom to close up
of her face, as we see it fade away. She looks almost empty.

Shot changes to grey.

Grey fades to black.

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